
Version 1 (modified by Thanatermesis, 15 years ago) ( diff )


How to be a good bug-buster

These steps explain how to report bugs correctly and how to be a correct beta-tester, like to report the correct information but also not many, and that the important is not to try an application to see if works, just the inverse, is needed to made it not working correctly...

  1. Check if the program works well
  2. Search for bugs or visual defects
  3. Test all the different parts of the application to see if the program works well entirely and all its options available
  4. If you are on this step and everything before works correctly, try to do all the possible combinations of the parts of the application to found a possible bug
  5. Use your brain, so try using the application under many different circumstances to see if it works with other applications and the distro as a whole. For example, configure the network with with different interfaces (eth0, eth1, ath0, wifi0, ra0...), also test what happens if you configure the network and disconnect the cable, etc, be ingenious
  6. Think how the program works. The work of a beta-tester is not show how well the program works. It is the complete opposite. Your mission is to try to crash the application, to find a bug. Just as a cracker looks for a bug to enter a system without privileges, you need to be more intelligent than the machine. You need to understand how the machine and the program works and how the program communicates with the machine. You should try to confuse the program within limits. You need to beat the program. Only then... are you really satisfied.
  7. Finally, and the most important one... try to report all the possible information (only useful) in order that the developer could fix the problem in the most easy and fast way... if you fix it, you can include a patch (or explanation) in the report, they are more than welcome!

Note: If it is not possible to test something, inform others so that they may do the test.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.