Table of Contents
List of Required Development
Net-Connector is a very nice application written in python to configure your network, Wireless and Wired. The author can not maintain/develop it anymore due to a very busy life and unfortunately it has a few bugs to fix which makes it a pretty critical priority in Elive since we don't have another (decent) alternative
- Language: Python
- Author: LinuxNIT
- Task: Fix a few bugs, List of bugs to fix
- Source: You can found it at source:/applications/net_connector, request a svn rw access if you don't have it
- Ticket:
Extra Data: There's two important files, the daemon (/etc/init.d/netconnectord) and the client (/usr/bin/net-connector), to see the messages you can run it both from terminal, the daemon accepts the parameters start (for normal start), stop to stop the daemon first, and foreground to run it as verbose mode
E17 Modules (misc)
If you feel couraged, you will try our HowtoEFL and to build your first! E17 module in 10 seconds (yes, 10 seconds), you can do almost anything with E17 modules, from a simple gadget in your desktop to change entirely the events of your Enlightenment 17 passing by any kind of application in C
If you write nice modules, maybe will be included in Elive, or at least in the repository!
PHP Coders
We need a set of couraged PHP coders with a minimum of good experience in PHP for misc works in the Elive Website, but specially to help implementing the new Download system, it will need a total re-organization from the payment system to the invitation codes (generator of codes, codes per different type of elements in the downloads (isos, bonus, etc), etc.
For now, if you want to participate, you will add your nickname on this list:
- Example
Note: This description is pretty incomplete and just resumed, more details in the future
More complete list at here
Attachments (1)
net connector.png
(62.1 KB
) - added by 5 years ago.
Net Connector Image
Download all attachments as: .zip