
Version 9 (modified by Thanatermesis, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Page Index

  1. HowtoBugBuster: How to be a Good Bug Buster (beta-tester)
  2. HowtoCDBS: What is
  3. HowtoCollaborate
  4. HowtoEFL: Development with EFL and tips & tricks
  5. HowtoGoodProgrammingTechniques: A list of programming techniques
  6. HowtoMirrors: How to make a Mirror for Elive
  7. HowtoSVN: How to use SVN
  8. HowtoTranslators: How to make Translations in Elive
  9. Error: No page matching WhyToPay found


New Website

This Website has totally changed! Forget the old one, this is a total clean Trac install

If you are a collaborator, you will have RW access to this website instead of only RO, if you don't know how Trac works, you will better try first their demo of Trac. If you want to know the wiki-style writing method of Trac, just see WikiFormatting for general writting and TracLinks for special links between the website (to source code elements, tickets, changesets, diff's, etc)

On this website you can: comment in tickets/tasks, browse source code, modify source code (patch, features, bugfix, etc), edit the contents of the site, see the changes, the timeline/roadmap for the next stable version, and specially, collaborate with the remaining tasks for the next release.


If you are a translator, please read carefully our HowtoTranslators page that explains how to use your translator account, how to send your translations, tips & tricks, and specially some important points to know


To have a collaborator account, just send your knowledges from our form and we will review it, then we will create you a login account to this website that allow you to write/modify tickets, pages, etc... to have access to the svn you need to request it

Code / SVN Access

We don't want to give free RW access to everybody to the SVN repository, for that, if you think that you can collaborate with things that are in the source:, just enter in the #elive-dev channel of the freenode servers (click in the chat icon of your Elive dock and type /j #elive-dev) and request it personally

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.