
Version 4 (modified by Leo Fortey, 15 years ago) ( diff )

grammar corrections. minor spelling mistakes.

How to made Translations in Elive

Please Read entirely this document if you are an Elive translator, it will contain some important things to know in order to not have problems with your translations (or accidents)


Since we have the magnificent tool called eltrans, you don't need to have anything more :)

To have eltrans, you need to have an updated system of Elive (if you are a user of Gem, please read the bottom) like the development versions, in any case it is very recommended to update the version of eltrans sometimes, so open a terminal and run:

eliveuser@Elive[~]$ su
Password: *******
root@Elive[/home/eliveuser]# apt-get update && apt-get install eltrans

What can I translate ?

Just run eltrans and you can see all the translations that you can make. You can also make translations for Enlightenment 17 but you can't send them in the automatized way, for that you need to send your generated translation via email (more instructions in eltrans)

If you want to translate for applications that are not listed (normally, Debian applications), you need to contact the Debian people and ask them how to make translations for Debian. If the element that you want to translate is not a part of Debian but a part of Elive and it is NOT available on eltrans, you need to request to support this element in eltrans too, for that, just create a new ticket requesting it (or better talk about this on the #elive-dev IRC channel)

Important things to Know

This is the important section :)

  • Fast commits: Its important to send fast commits in order to not send a translation at the same time as another person (this will do a conflict of versions or you fix it manually (following the HowtoSVN tutorial), or you just remove your translation (you lost it)), in order to make fast commits just:
    • Do not think I will continue tomorrow, just send it, tomorrow you will open again eltrans and you will have it again updated. Same if you need to go somewhere for a while
    • If you are doing big translations (only elive translations, not matters for the Enlightenment17 translations), save the document and send it every time (15 minutes?), think on this just like if you are running your previous operating system that sometimes it can crash and you will lose your document if you have not saved it in a while :]
  • Code: You are translating messages of a source code application, this means that it will contain strange characters or things like:
    This is a C %s string
    This is a BASH $var variable
    This is another BASH ${var%%/*} type of variable
    This is a \n newline symbol
    All these messages (and a lot others) are NOT errors, they are code, so do not change them, keep them just as they are, if not, the application will not work correctly showing the correct messages, this is a correct equivalent example of translating the first line to spanish: Esto es una C %s frase
  • Updates: Also called cloud and fuzzy, this means that the message was auto-generated (automatic translations system) or that the original message was slightly modified, in other words it needs a simple revision/look-up, just a check if the translation is correct, if it doesn't need any modifications click in the cloud icon in order to mark it as OK


If you want to control the other translations, you will learn [HowtoSVN how to use SVN] to have your own/manual control, or you can simply use the timeline where you can watch the new commits by other users visually, you have a lot of options and ways to do it, you can also have a RSS system in the timeline so that you can watch every commit, to which language, and from who, like:

Eltrans: auto-sent for |liveboot| in -|es|- by 'Thanatermesis'

Note: Any better suggestion for this sentence ? This sentence is on this form since the version 4.1-8 of eltrans, so everybody that uses this version will send with this format
Note: Maybe you will see commits like in [983] sent by Automatic Translations Generator that looks strange... do not worry about them, in a fast look you can see that there's nothing changed, it is just the automatic-translations-generator script that changes the columns number (needed for its correct work), so it compress all the message in a single line, but there's no modification on it

Final Notes

This website is full of features, you can browse translations, also in oldest versions

  • Imagine that someone has sent a wrong translation and has then broken yours, just browse the versions going back in the history looking oldest versions, get the desired one, and merge it (its recommended to use the tool meld) in the actual updated version (you should read how to use SVN: HowtoSVN) and send it again

Like the previous example, not only you can browse old versions of code but also compare them with a visual (colored) differences tool, download as RAW files, as DIFF format, etc etc

In any case you can try anything on the original Trac DEMO Website

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.